Zenon Pirowski, Jacek Wodnicki, Jerzy OlszyńskiMICROADDITIONS OF BORON AND VANADIUM IN ADI. PART 2. OWN INVESTIGATIONSAbstractIn the second part of the study, describing the role of vanadium and boron microadditions in the process of structure formation in heavy-walled castings made from ADI, the results of own investigations were presented. Within this study two series of melts of the ductile iron were made, introducing microadditions of the above mentioned elements to both unalloyed ductile iron and the ductile iron containing high levels of nickel and copper (the composition typical of ADI). Melts were conducted with iron-nickel-magnesium master alloy. Thermal analysis of the solidification process of the cast keel blocks was conducted, the heat treatment of the alloys was carried out, and Keywords: innovative foundry materials and technologies, heat treatment, austempering, austempered ductile iron ADI, alloying microadditions, Download 806.3 KB >> |